
Chairman of the College

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    Education is a liberating force and pre-requisite for personal and national development, regeneration of society,empowerment of people, national integration and international understanding and peace. The teacher is the pivot on which the educational process rests in fact no educational system can raise beyond the quality of its teachers.this underscores the need for adequate training and constant skill development for our prospective teachers.The training and education of teachers thus become vital in deciding the fate of education the modern world of knowledge explosion and professionalism,no teacher can be born, instead teachers can be made through scientifically planned teacher training program. We the management of Zainab Memorial B.Ed Centre provide apt education which the new generation of India need. The aim of our institution is to equip the prospective teachers with necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes for taking up the responsibility of moulding the behaviour and mindset of the young generation intune with the demands of the ever changing socio-cultural environment.